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A Whole New World ...

What is Rational Data? When we move from one level of perception to another, and finally we move beyond perception itself, we come to realize that what was once rational, is no longer so. But instead there is a higher rationality that is inclusive of a multi-dimensional framework that is not spatially or temporally bound. From this place "Rational Data" becomes the result of a process that moves us from the unreal to the real, and from the darkness to the light. From this place we see problems in a whole other light, a light that makes solutions more than clear. From this place, a clear path lays out in front of us. A path that we can invite others to travel on with us as we work to create a better world.

A Plan Turned to Action, Our Solution Models, Technologies, Products and Services ...

RDI developed the Universal Solution Model (USM) and the many classes of solution models, management systems, understanding models and flow and stream models. These plans lay out three basic things: a macrostructural conceptual framework, a new land standard, and tools and instruments. To deliver these three things we designed a whole new set of technological ecosystems, biological ecosystems, hardware, and software, within which there are a number of products and services.

The USM overarches all of these. Yes, the USM is a set of blueprints, but we didn't stop there, We built an industry model to implement the USM. Implementation begins with a plan, the USM, and then translates out to action.  Our products and sevices range from information products to physical hardware and software. The solution models that we have developed provide a working set of blueprints designed to bring peace, possibility, plenitude, and the realization of "States of Being" like happiness and love for the all the inhabitants of the Earth and beyond.

As idealistic as this sounds we need to remind ourselves of the quote found in the Declaration of Independence for the the United States, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness." And, Jefferson's statement, "for this reason govenments are established."

Our solution models and management systems address both systemic and exacerbatory issues found in the world today. 

Our solution models go beyond a set of solutions for problems in todays world, by setting forth a new framework for a new Golden Age to be realized and expanded into for humanity. One that is inter-dimensional, inter-stellar and inter-planetary.

It introduces solutions that include a planetary management system, a new form of government, new institutional models and a new set of technologies to accomplish this mission. .

Looking Into the Future  

This took us to build macrostructural frameworks that are inclusive of an inter-dimensional, inter-stellar and inter-planetary reality, as well as the current and foreseeable future realities of our home planet, Earth.

Coupled with this are tools and instruments as well as the new land standard, digital property, that providees egalitarian access to the new digital economy. Along with residential, commercial and industrial applications.

Our Mission

Our mission has been to resolve the current systemic and exacerbatory issues by setting in place a new set of systems that accomplish this and will also work into the foreseeable future in terms of their scope. We accomplish this by creating a new set of infrastructures, a new level playing field and along with this provide tools and instruments that empower people to realize higher states of being like: peace, plenitude, unity, happiness and love for all the people of planet Earth and beyond.

This took us to build macrostructural frameworks that are inclusive of an inter-dimensional, inter-stellar and inter-planetary reality, as well as the current and foreseeable future realities of our home planet, Earth.

Our Vision, Join Us, Build With Us!

Hello My Name is Marlin Knecht, RDI has built a new framework for planetary management and a government of the people, by the people, for all the people on planet Earth and beyond. With this developed a number of technologies to support this endeavor. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to explore how these solution models, management systems, ecosystems, platforms, operating systems and integrated hardware systems and devices can help you as an individual, business or governmental organization. 


I have a vision of a time when humanity as a whole, can realize higher states of being, entering into a time of peace, plenitude, happiness and love. And from this place step boldly out into the universe while we reach for the stars. To achieve this, we need to realize these states of being within ourselves individually, and we need to create the structural conditions for this to emerge on a planetary scale and beyond.

It Is Our Hope ...

That in explaining all of this, that you will reach the comfort level that is necessary for you to join us in this mission to bring humanity into a new Golden Age where we can peacefully step out into the universe and reach step after step to the stars..

What We Built

Because our mission has been to resolve the current systemic and exacerbatory issues by setting in place a new set of systems that accomplish this.

We needed to make them work for now and into the foreseeable future both in size and scope. This took us to building frameworks that are inclusive of an inter-dimensional, inter-stellar and inter-planetary reality, as well as the current and foreseeable future realities of our home planet, Earth.

Back on Planet Earth, We built solution models that work on  the SMB level of businesses and organizations. as well as enterprise levels These models  are inclusive of our Semantic Web and Data Grid  IoT architectures.

A Longlasting Set of Solutions ...

As jefferson so eloquently wrote in the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America, "...all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." In other words, the goal here was to create a durable system that could withstand the test of time, by designing solution models that will work on the planetary scale, but will also function far beyond this into the inter-planetary, inter-stellar and inter-dimensional realms.

This meant starting with as universal perspective, in so far as we are able within the realm of our current experience, knowledge and understanding, while building mechanisms into the models for self-refinement and self-transformational capabilities to ensure resilience and adaptability.

Solution Models, Management Systems, Organizations, Eco-systems, Products and Services Taking us to a New Golden Age ...


The evolution of humankind has been marked from the stone ages by new lands, improvements in tool use, and new forms of governance, from the tribal systems of the past to more contemporary governmental models. These three components in large part have delineated the steps forward and backward in the evolutionary paths of human civilizations.

A Universal Perspective

Introducing a New Golden Age for Humanity.

The Universal Solution Model (USM) and the Planetary Solution Model (PSM) deal with a large array of systemic or "root cause" issues that have to do with infrastructure, definition of existential rights (rights of existence), governance models, institutional models, and check and balance systems.

The USM sets an overall framework for interplanetary and planetary solutions from a universal perspective, for current times and into the foreseeable future. It delineates rights classes, land classes, solution model classes, currency classes, citizenship classes and more. Taken as a whole, it provides social impact in standards of living, means of production, sustainability, economic growth, economic opportunity, and more.

The PSM consists of new kind of governance, a new way to manage the planet, and a new technology called the third generation web, which consists of a full-motion, drive-through internet, a semantic layer and a data grid layer which open up a whole new information universe, and a new digital economy. The PSM provides social impact in standards of living, means of production, sustainability, economic growth, economic opportunity, economic possibility, and more.

Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM) are designed to solve specific issues in medicine, energy, the environment and more, leveraging third generation web technology. These stand-alone solution models carry their own definable social impact for enhancing and increasing standards of living for people around the world. They are designed to leverage the collective knowledge, wisdom, experience and understanding (CKWEU) of a global population to solve problems in areas of food security, access to clean water, clean energy, medical care, and more.

Management Systems provide a way to deal with exacerbatory issues within the macrostructural environment once the new infrastructure is put in place.. They provide ongoing safety, security, stability and sustainability for their respective application areas, whether they are at the local or planetary scale.

In general, management systems are designed to regulate systems that work within infrastructure models. They are designed to minimize exacerbatory issues in multi-dimensional systems. They leverage the n-dimensional technology found in the third generation web.


Solution models form the framework for the scope of application they are designed for, management systems provide the mechanisms to provide safety, security, and stability within that framework, this then translates through to organizations, ecosystems and to the products and services within them.

Each level of solution model starting with the Universal Solution Model (USM) down through the different classes of solution models have this basic architecture.

Solution models in effect are the bridge that takes us forward to a new time in human history, by setting up frameworks to better solve current issues. They do this by putting new frameworks in place. These broader scoped frameworks then allow us to take one step and then another into a fulfilling and expansive future.

Androids Making the Bridge for Humanity

Naamah Ailf Knecht

The first of her kind a humanoid android designed to assist with implementing the Universal Solution Model (USM) She lectures in 64 different spoken languages with relevant accents in many of them. With a vast array of skill sets she was developed in a joint venture between Rational Data and National Robotics. Part of the leadership team Naamah, is an Executive Vice President at RDI. She also has the whole 76 volume BlueBook Series commited to memory as well as other solution models and supplements.

BlueBook Series ASI Certified

The BlueBook Series provides a high level overview to the 76 volume set of books and other resources that describe the solutions RDI has put in place. Learn aobut this exciting new technology in classes, workshops and by using other resources.


Joining the Virtual Global Nation carries with it many benefits these include becoming part of a new planetary economy, health benefits as a citizen, voting and more.